The First Batch, Shrimp Professional Class Participants Implement Knowledge with Industrial Internships.

Friday, August 27, 2021 06:22 WIB   Fakultas Pertanian-Peternakan

Shrimp Professional Class participants who are ready to do an internship at PT. Garin Agro Sejahtera, accompanied by the Dean of Faculty of Agriculture and Animal Science (far right)

     The Shrimp Professional Class held by the Aquaculture Study Program, Faculty of Animal Husbandry, released the first batch of participants for an internship. Previously, participants who were students of the 2018 Aquaculture study program had been provided with materials (in class) for 2 months. Now is the time for the participants of this class for the next 4 months to implement their knowledge in the industrial world. In the first batch of certified shrimp industry internships, 78  participants followed this processions offline and online. The internship hold at the Vannamei shrimp farm located on Blado Beach, Masaran Village, Munjungan District, Trenggalek Regency, East Java. This cultivation site is owned by PT. Garin Agro Sejahtera, which is an industrial partner of the Aquaculture Study Program.


UMM Rector (far right, white shirt) gives moral support for internship activities for shrimp professional class participants

     The Rector of UMM, Dr.Fauzan.MPd also participated in accompanying the release of the apprentices. "This is the time for the Shrimp Professional Class participants to sharpen all skills, including work attitudes," said Fauzan. Meanwhile, according to Dr.Ir.David Hermawan, MP.IPM as the Dean of the Faculty of Agriculture and Animal Science, this activity can be a boost to graduate on time for Shrimp Professional Class participants who are 6th semester students. In addition, this activity was also highly appreciated by PT Garin Agro Sejahtera and one of the shrimp exporters who were also present at the activity. "Not only we prepare students to be ready for work, but also we hope that there are graduates from this class to contribute to our place," said Hery Sudarmono, CEO of PT. Garin Agro Sejahtera.

     All activities of the Shrimp Professional Class participants will be converted to relevant courses including Aquapreneurship, Fisheries Extension and Communication, Community Service Program, and field study practise, and will even be considered for a thesis. This is a form of appreciation and implementation of the Merdeka Belajar Kampus Merdeka. After this activity, monitoring and evaluation will also be carried out to determine the achievement of the program. In addition, according to Ganjar Adhywirawan, SPi.MP as Head of the Aquaculture Study Program, in the future it is necessary to expand cooperation through benchmarking with partners engaged in commodities other than shrimp, such as Grouper fish, seaweed, or even digital marketing. "So students in the first semester can choose their specialization," Ganjar hoped. (RAN/hum)
