FPP UMM Held Appendix-Document Training Site Visit ASIIN 5 Study Programs

Saturday, October 01, 2022 02:04 WIB   Fakultas Pertanian-Peternakan

Division I, Faculty of Agriculture and Animal Science, University of Muhammadiyah Malang (FPP UMM) held training on the preparation of appendices and supporting documents for ASIIN site visits for five study programs.

This arrangement was led directly by the Deputy Dean I for Academic Affairs and AIK FPP UMM, Ir. Henik Sukorini, MP, PhD, IPM, and accompanied by Prof. Dr. Ir. Indah Prihartini, MP, IPU, as the PIC for curriculum development to support professional poultry classes and international accreditation for PKKM Animal Husbandry.

Prof. Indah said that Animal Husbandry FPP UMM and 4 other study programs were focused on international accreditation (ASIIN), that's why referring to the readiness of international accreditation, they held Appendix training and supporting documents for ASIIN accreditation site visits.

Therefore, he hopes that all training participants who are mostly young lecturers for several days accompanied by PIC PKKM Prof. Indah Prihartini to focus on studying various criteria and collecting parts of the accreditation document file to comply with international standards that have been determined by ASIIN.

On the same occasion, Young Lecturer of Food Technology FPP UMM, Vrita said that this activity was the final activity in preparing attachments in the SARS document which would be submitted for ASIIN accreditation.

Vrita revealed that the output of this activity is a draft that has synergized with the appendix that has been translated into English so that later it remains only to submit for ASIIN Accreditation.

(rilis: ali Mahmud/adv)
