The events for 2023 Student Day ended on Tuesday, June 11, 2023. In addition to the Student Day Closing Activities, there were also Dean's Cup Closing Activities and Faculty of Agriculture-Animal Science (FPP) Bazar Activities on that day. Student Day is a yearly event put on by the University of Muhammadiyah Malang to show appreciation and enthusiasm for students who have many chances to improve their academic skills, interests, and talents in higher education. The academic community needs to give extra attention to keep track of student achievements based on their academic potential, hobbies, and skills. Every Saturday is Student Day, and there are always things to do. Students will do things on their own and with other people as a way to learn about themselves and grow in areas like religion, talent, professionalism, and culture.
All Student Day events end on July 10, 2023, along with the Dean's Cup and the FPP Bazar. This closing action for Student Day shows off the best things that were done during Student Day. Participants in Student Day also did traditional dances as part of the ending events. This was explained by a representative from the Head of BEM FPP, Ministry of Communication and Informatics (Hanifah Khoirunnisa): "At the end of the Dean Cup event, the winners of each competition were announced and the band contestants played for the crowd. Food science is the winner of the Dean Cup as a whole. So, guests from the Dean Cup, like the Dean, Dr. Ir. Aris Winaya, M.M., M.Sc., IPU, ASEAN Eng, and the Deputy Dean, Dr. Hariyadi, S.Pi, M.Sc., were called to the event yesterday. Several Heads of Study Programs, including those from Agribusiness, Food Technology, Forestry, Animal Husbandry, and agrotechnology, were also there," she said.
All student participants from batch 2022 (student day participants) and leaders from all HMPS (Student Program Student Association) UMM Faculty of Agriculture-Animal Science must be present at this closing event for Student Day. During this event, there was also an FPP Bazaar, where all of the Agriculture-Animal Husbandry students had their own stands where they sold different types of food and beverages. The event was also made more fun by the fact that several bands made up of students from the Faculty of Agriculture and Animal Husbandry were there.