"TURTLE" Student Achieved the Best Graduates of FPP in 3rd UMM Graduation 2020

Saturday, October 31, 2020 11:17 WIB   Fakultas Pertanian-Peternakan

     The 3rd Period Graduation Ceremony of 2020 University of Muhammadiyah Malang was held a week ago. A total of 134 graduates from the Faculty of Agriculture-Animal Husbandry attended the graduation activity at the UMM DOME. UMM Graduation for the 3rd period still carries the same concept as the 2nd period, which is to be held in stages. The period this time was held in 6 days (19-24 October 2020). This is intended so that graduates can do physical distancing as an application of health protocols. FPP graduates are plotted in 2 days, October 21st and 23rd, 2020.



Miftaul Hasanah, MP., Best Graduate  of FPP in 3rd UMM Graduation 2020

     In this period, the best FPP graduate was Miftaul Hasanah, SP from the Agribusiness department. Mifta, his nickname, earned a GPA of 3.96 with his thesis title "Analysis of Rewards and Punishment Performance of Administrative and Financial Employees of PG. Kebon Agung Pakisaji, Malang Regency ". Not only as the best graduate in FPP, but the first of four children also achieved the 3rd best graduate at the University. In addition, Mifta is an active student in the BEM organization, and has even been the Chief Executive of ARKAMAYA BUDAYA INDONESIA, which was followed by organizations at UMM. No wonder, Mifta was appointed to read the Impressions and Messages at the 97th UMM Graduation in 2020.

     Mifta did not get the title of the best graduate with a GPA of 3.96 easily. "Time management is really needed when you are a TURTLE student”, said Mifta. TURTLE in Bahasa called KURA-KURA that KU stand for KULIAH means lecture and RA stand for RAPAT means meeting. "Being active in organizational activities is not a barrier for us to achieve. If the term is a road organization, the academics are not left behind", she added. Mifta hoped that UMM could continue to graduate an active, progressive and solution generation in building the people, nation and state. (RAN / hum)
