Welcome New Students of FPP 2022/2023

Saturday, September 17, 2022 23:04 WIB   Fakultas Pertanian-Peternakan


Dok Humas FPP

The Introduction of New Student Studies (PESMABA) Faculty of Agriculture-Animal Husbandry 2022 was held lively and attended by around 560 new FPP students. After carrying out the opening series at the University, the new students held the opening ceremony which was located at the Sengkaling Tourism Park owned by UMM. The opening ceremony was led directly by the Dean of FPP Dr. Ir. Aris Winaya M.M., M.Sc., IPU and attended by all lecturers in FPP. In his remarks, the Dean welcomes and joins the big family of the Faculty of Agriculture and Animal Husbandry. The dean of FPP assured them that they were not wrong to join because FPP had everything they needed. He said that the quality of the lecturers at FPP is unquestionable, this is because FPP is the only faculty that has the highest number of professors compared to other faculties.


The opening ceremony was followed by the introduction of each lecturer by the Dean. The introduction of this lecturer is one way for students to get to know and be close to their lecturers and vice versa.


The opening ceremony ended with the symbolic embedding of representatives of each student in each study program with their characteristics.

UMM Chancellor Greeted New FPP Students

The second day began with a safari by the Chancellor, Dr. H. Fauzan, M.Pd along with the rectorate officials. In his speech, he conveyed several things, among others, that students at UMM need to be active to hone their academic and non-academic competence skills. All the devices to support it has been provided by the campus, it's just a matter of how individuals take advantage of existing facilities. Two things were emphasized to him if UMM students graduate, they must have two things, namely the ability of academic competence and leadership ability (leadership). In addition, the campus provides the UMM PASTI program which ensures students can graduate in 3.5-4 years with various schemes. (*/ram)

