Guest Lecture- Opportunities for the Development of Essential Industries in the Pandemic Era

Friday, December 10, 2021 22:03 WIB   Fakultas Pertanian-Peternakan

     Indonesia's potential for the availability of raw materials is very diverse. Indonesia is recorded as having around 40 types of essential plants from 99 types of essential plants in the world. This creates the potential for increasing economic added value through the domestic processing industry. This reason is the background for holding a Guest Lecture with the theme "Opportunities for Development of Essential Industries in the Midst of a Pandemic" which was held at the end of November. The speaker in this guest lecture was Mrs. Raeti, President Director of PT. Pemalang Agro Wangi.

     PT Pemalang Agro Wangi was chosen as a speaker because the industry is engaged in the field of essential oils. The industry, which was inaugurated in 2004, continues to play an active role in advancing agriculture and essential industries, especially at that time for “Nilam” or patchouli in Pemalang, and all regions in Indonesia with independent export targets. According to Raeti, as a country with a tropical climate, Indonesia has a high biodiversity, so it can become an epicenter for the development of the Essential Oil Downstream Industry sector. Thus, this is a great opportunity to expand business or increase investment in order to increase job opportunities. Several types of Indonesian tropical essential oils include clove oil, citronella, patchouli, nutmeg, vetiver, and eucalyptus. "Processed essential oil products can be used as raw materials for the herbal and phytopharmaceutical industry, such as ginger oil and citronella oil. All types of essential oil derivative products are believed to have positive health benefits," she explained.

     This guest lecture activity was well received by the Faculty of Agriculture and Animal Science because this faculty has a production forest and conservation forest area of ​​258 ha. This campus forest has many plant commodities, so it can be developed as raw material for essential oils. "It is necessary to do a collaborative business between PT. Pemalang Agro Wangi and our faculty, so that natural materials from Indonesia can continue to be explored so that they are beneficial to humans, through integrity and innovative profits," said Aris. (RAN/hum)
