FPP delegated 5 young lecturers to become competency assessors

Saturday, December 05, 2020 10:18 WIB   Fakultas Pertanian-Peternakan


Five young lecturers from FPP who declared competent as assessors

     In order to support the realization of FPP as a reputable faculty, FPP has prepared young lecturers to become competency assessors. A competency assessor is someone who has the competence and meets the requirements to conduct a competency test on certain types and professional qualifications. FPP delegated 5 young lecturers from 3 departments to take part in competency assessor training and assessment of prospective assessors held by LSPP1-UMM.  The five lecturers are Rista Anggriani, STP.MP., MSc and Desiana Nuriza Putri, STP.MSc from the Food Technology department with a Food Product Development Competency Scheme, Erfan Dani, SP.MP and Aulia Zakia, SP.Msi from the Department of Agrotechnology with a Scheme Competencies of Organic Plant Inspector, as well as Ramli Ramadhan, S.Hut.MA from the Forestry Department with the Facilitator Forestry Extension Scheme.  

     Located at GKB IV Building, 9th Floor, Campus 3 of UMM, the competency assessors training held for 5 days (24-28 November 2020) was held offline while still paying attention to health protocols. This activity was opened by the Director of the UMM LSP, Prof. Dr. Ihyaul Ulum, SE.Msi.Ak., CA. In addition, the Vice Rector I for academics, Prof. Dr. Syamsul Arifin, Msi, gave a speech by saying that the importance of competency certificates for UMM graduates was to compete in the job market with other prospective workers. "Currently, the business world and the industrial world have made competency certificates as one of the conditions for getting a job or occupying a certain position in a job," said Prof. Syamsul. Besides that, representatives of the Master Assessor also gave a speech. "Requirements to become an assessor, must attend training for 40 hours of lessons, followed by a competency test by the Master Assessor from BNSP," said Nurul Indah Susanti as the Master Assessor. "If declared competent, the participant will get a competency assessor certificate issued by BNSP," added Nurul.  

     In the competency assessor training activity, all participants were placed in 3 classes, accompanied by 2 resource persons as Master Assessor from BNSP. During the assessor training, all participants were given material related to planning the assessment activity and process, carrying out the assessment, and contributing to the assessment validation. After completing all the materials and assignments requested, on November 28, 2020 all training participants were assessedby other Master Assessor from BNSP. "Alhamdulillah, all FPP training participants are declared competent by the Master Assessor, just waiting to get a competency assessor certificate from BNSP", said one young FPP lecturer. (RAN/hum)
