Malang-The Animal Science Study Program conducted a Ruminant Professional Class curriculum workshop with the Business World Industry (DUDI) as a continuation of the Center of Excellence (CoE) program implemented by the University of Muhammadiyah Malang (UMM) on Wednesday (7/12) located at the Kapal Hotel Gardens, Sengkaling, Malang. This Ruminant Class is a new class that will be launched for the 2020 batch in the coming year. This class will focus on learning about animals such as cows and goats which will be used for their milk and meat.
On this occasion, partners from DUDI who took part in the workshop activities were Mr. Ir. Catur Nugroho Wicaksono, MP from PT. Fajar Taurus Farm which is engaged in the dairy cattle industry. Then there is Mr. Yos Nardi Gilbert from PT. Pesona Satwa Farm which is engaged in breeding goats and sheep and Mr. drh. Koko Wisnu Concerned, M.Pt. representative from the Singosari Center for Artificial Insemination. The participants from UMM themselves were lecturers from the animal husbandry study program who were members of the Ruminant Professional Class team.
The workshop activities were opened by Vice Chancellor I UMM Prof. Dr. Syamsul Arifin, M.Sc. and the Dean of the UMM Faculty of Agriculture-Animal Husbandry, Dr. Ir. Aris Winaya, MM, M.Si., IPU. In addition, there was also a presentation of material by the Chairman of the UMM Learning Innovation Institute (LIP), Dr. Mohammad Syaifuddin, MM and Head of the Center of Excellence (CoE) Mr. Dr. Ir. Damat, MP. The workshop activities aim to produce a curriculum that will be used in the Ruminant Professional Class. DUDI's involvement in formulating this curriculum is intended so that later the graduates produced by the Ruminant Professional Class are under DUDI's needs to increase the uptake of graduates in the world of work. "The CoE program, one of which is the Ruminant Professional Class, is carried out with the hope that the business world of the industry will become part of the UMM campus to produce graduates desired by the industry," said Mr. Syaifuddin, Head of the UMM Learning Innovation Institute (LIP).
DUDI representatives appreciated the formation of the Ruminant Professional Class conducted by the Animal Husbandry Study Program. “With the Ruminant Professional Class, graduates are expected to be more skilled in the technical field, not only in understanding theory. So that if graduates are skilled in technical fields and are supported by mastery of theory, the industry will be able to get a workforce that is in line with industry expectations." said Mr. Ir. Chess Nugroho Wicaksono, MP. This was also approved by drh. Koko Wisnu Prihatin, M.Pt., "if graduates are competent in their fields, in this case in the field of ruminants, then graduates of the Ruminant Professional Class will be under industry needs". Mr. Yos Nardi Gilbert also added, "The Ruminant Professional Class plays a role in producing graduates who are based on Problem Based Thinking so that the graduates produced will have their mentality tested and can develop graduates' ideas and creativity".
Mrs. Etty as the head of the animal husbandry study program hopes that this professional class can establish good cooperation with partners, add partners, and also strengthen networks with animal husbandry study programs. In addition, it can increase students' skills in the field of interest regarding ruminants. When you graduate, you already have an idea for developing a business or something else.