Student Experiences Faculty of Agriculture- Animal Science Which Participated in The 2023 Certified Internship and Independent Study Program (MSIB)

Thursday, July 06, 2023 22:39 WIB   Fakultas Pertanian-Peternakan


Proud news came from students of the Food Technology Study Program, Faculty of Agriculture-Animal Science, who have once again built up the good name of the University of Muhammadiyah Malang. That is because Ikri Matus Sa'diah (2020) and Risky Dharliansyah (2019) succeeded in participating in the Certified Independent Study and Internship (MSIB) program, which is one of the Merdeka Campus programs. The Merdeka Campus Certified Internship is an accelerated and accelerated internship program with well-designed learning experiences. The Merdeka Campus Certified Independent Study is a learning in-class specifically designed and made based on the real challenges faced by partners/industry. The difference between an internship and an SI is that an internship is an internship at the company, according to the job offered. Meanwhile, SI is more concerned with courses in a particular field, so it can be said to be a certified online course.

Riski Dharliansyah (2020) explained several stories from his experiences while participating in this activity; he participated in batch 4, which started in February 2023-June 2023. Then he said that "You could say that MSIB partners refer to the field food is quite limited, that's why I was excited when I met several partners who have a focus on the food sector and provide space for Food Technology children. Finally I decided to take part in independent study activities from PT. Agritama Innovation Synergy (AGAVI) with the topic Food Safety Management System Specialist," he said. He was interested in participating in the activity because he realized that food safety is one of the foundations that must be understood as a Food Technology student, especially when he wants to work in the food industry later. Through the independent study of a Food Safety Management System Specialist, he can learn more comprehensively about food safety and preparing food safety supporting documents.
