Faculty of Agriculture-Animal Science dominates the Student Creativity Program 2021 funding at UMM

Friday, May 07, 2021 12:48 WIB   Fakultas Pertanian-Peternakan

Infographics of the top 20 universities pass the PKM funded in 2021

     The announcement of the proposal for the 5 Sector Student Creativity Program (called PKM in Indonesia) and PKM-GFK (Constructive Futuristic Ideas) 2021 was released by the Directorate General of Higher Education, Ministry of Education, Culture, Research and Technology of the Republic of Indonesia on May 5, 2021. University of Muhammadiyah Malang (UMM) received 102 proposals that passed funded, double that of last year. This made UMM included in the top 10 universities with the most PKM funding. Even UMM is the only private university with the most funding in Indonesia.

     From 102 UMM proposals that passed funding, 47 proposals were contributed by FPP. Research proposals are still a favourite for PKM to qualify for funding this time. This need not be doubted because Faculty of Agriculture-Animal Science is a faculty that has 6 study programs engaged in the field of science. However, PKM has many platforms that can be submitted besides PKM-RE / PKM-RSH (Research) such as PKM-GFK (Constructive Futuristic Ideas), PKM-K (Entrepreneurship), PKM-KC (Prototype Creation), PKM-PI (Application of Science and Technology) and PKM-PM (Community Service).

     The Vice Dean of Faculty of Agriculture-Animal Science for student affairs who is also the coordinator of the acceleration of student achievement at UMM, Ir. Henik Sukorini MP.PhD, explained that the achievement was the result of a strategy and careful preparation. Title selection before the preparation of a proposal by students is a must. "If the initial title is not interesting and not up to date, we reject it, but we are still given motivation so that students think critically and creatively," she explained. "The PKM proposal is high quality due to the cooperation of various parties," add Henik who also national reviewer. "Any strategy prepared will be useless if there is no good synergy," she concluded. (RAN)
