FPP Holds Judiciary Period III 2022 in Two Sessions

Sunday, September 18, 2022 21:48 WIB   Fakultas Pertanian-Peternakan


Dok Humas FPP

UMM Faculty of Agriculture and Animal Science Yudisium which was held on September 17 at Rayz hotel owned by UMM was solemn and successful because it was attended by 526 prospective graduates from six study programs.

This amount is the largest in the implementation of the judiciary ever carried out. The committee needs to divide it into two sessions due to insufficient space. The morning session was attended by prospective graduates from food technology, animal science, and forestry study programs, while the afternoon session was attended by agribusiness, aquaculture, and agrotechnology study programs.

In his speech, the dean of FPP Dr. Ir. Aris Winaya MM.MSI., IPU congratulated the prospective graduates. There are many challenges faced by prospective graduates because they have been constrained by the Covid-19 so that they experience changes in learning patterns.

He added that the prospective graduates after this must immediately adapt to developments that occur outside. "You need to adapt and see opportunities to immediately get a job. What is in front of your eyes is an opportunity that must be taken advantage of, don't wait for the right job," he said.

During the graduation ceremony, the best graduate candidates were also announced which were given to Qoonita Nai'fah from the food technology study program with a 4-year study period with a GPA of 3.96. Second best on behalf of Siti nur Elisa from the food technology study program with a 4 year study period GPA 3.95 and the third best on behalf of Cynthia salsa from the animal husbandry study program with a 4 year study period GPA 3.94.

Prospective graduates are also given alumni cards as well as savings from Bank BRI which has collaborated with FPP. (*/ram)





