Agriculture and Husbandary Faculty Passes 17 Graduates

Thursday, February 20, 2014 13:51 WIB   Fakultas Pertanian-Peternakan

The 17 candidate of graduate 71st , 1st period year 2014


Again, The Faculty of Agriculture and Animal Husbandry graduated 17 the candidate of graduates in 71st graduation agenda, first period in 2014. Judicium procession for the candidate of graduate was held in FPP courtroom (15/02). Before the procession is begun, FPP gave soft skill equipment as the form of responsibility and effort to create the competent graduate and ready to fight.    


In that event, was attended by Yudi Suharsono S.Psi, M.Si psychology expert from UMM as trainer that gave the material about soft skill development and tips to enter world work. Through his material, the candidate of agriculture and animal husbandry graduate was asked do not be the failed product. According to him, one problems of university graduate is less confident. “Most of them not confident so cannot compete, so to know self-potency is very important,” said Vice Dean I Faculty of psychology UMM.


While, the Dean of FPP, Dr. Ir, Damat, M.P, he proud of judicium this period, there were 5 candidates of graduate that able finished faster 3 years 6 months. According to him, it is the greatest achievement with the GPA that near to perfect. However, he hope who got the greater GPA more motivated to improve their achievement. He added, the final of study do not be the end of learning. “The great GPA is plus value but not guarantee, so use the plus value and balance with good soft skill ” he said.

As the previous years, FPP always gave the award to the higher GPA. In this time,  FPP  assigned three the higher GPA that was achieved by Moh. Khoirul Hidayat from department of fishery with GPA 3.95,  Jefri Lukmana Lazaroni from department of fishery with GPA 3.93, and Gharisa Kharismartanata from Department of Forestry with GPA 3.90.(agung)
