FPP Expands Collaboration with Industry, Strengthens Poultry Professional Class

Tuesday, September 07, 2021 22:06 WIB   Fakultas Pertanian-Peternakan

The signing of the MoU and MoA between representatives of PT. Sanbe Farma, PT. Sapta Karya Megah, PT. Mensana with the Rector of UMM and accompanied by Lecturer of Animal Science Study Program (from left to right)

     As a form of commitment to carry out the Independent Learning Campus Program (called MBKM in Bahasa), the Animal Science Study Program, Faculty of Agriculture and Animal Science has expanded its collaboration with industries. This is to strengthen the Poultry Professional Class held by this study program. Previously in February, this study program has collaborated with PT. Charoen Pokphand, now three collaborations have been signed in the MoU ((Memorandum of Understanding) and MoA (Memorandum of Agreement) between Faculty of Agriculture and Animal Science, University of Muhammadiyah Malang and PT. Sanbe Farma, PT. Mensana, and PT. Sapta Karya Megah. In the MoA, the three industries are willing to support the implementation of the Poultry Professional Class both as instructors at and as internship providers.

     UMM Rector, Dr.Fauzan.MPd also accompanied the signing of this MoU and MoA. "This collaboration is very important to implement the slogan of “UMM Pasti”, you must graduate in 4 years, you will definitely get a job," said Fauzan. Meanwhile, according to Dr.Ir.David Hermawan, MP.IPM, Dean of the Faculty of Agriculture, last Sunday's activity (5/9) apart from building cooperation, the three industries were also involved in practicum workshops to reconstruct materials according to industry needs. So the output of the practicum can later become a provision before students take the Poultry Professional Class.

     In addition, this activity is also highly appreciated by the three industries. They hope that with this collaboration, there will be graduates from this class who are immediately ready to work. Instead of increasing training that leads to several skills needed to work but not necessarily able to be implemented by the world of work, it would be better if there were more work internship programs. With the internship program, it opens up industrial opportunities to absorb workers after the internship because they already have better experience. By recruiting graduates of the Poultry Professional Class, this will cut down on training time and funds that are usually given to new employees.

     Further implementation after this activity is the realization of research collaboration between lecturers and industry to solve problems in industry. In addition, the three industries want an information system development system. “This collaboration is not only for these three industries. There are 9 partners who are ready to collaborate,” said Prof. Dr.Ir.Wahyu, MS., Animal Science lecturer who is also in charge of this collaborative activity. (RAN/hum)
