Curriculum Workshop Based on KKNI Agriculture and Husbandary Faculty

Friday, February 07, 2014 16:25 WIB   Fakultas Pertanian-Peternakan

Curriculum Workshop Based on KKNI

There are no one of the participant stood on their sits since the beginning until the end of agenda. The interesting and important material, then high commitment in developing institutions and alumni, and also the delivery of fun material from the spokesperson, Ir. Endrotomo, MSc became the reasons.  



The curriculum workshop based on KKNI (Curriculum Qualification of Indonesian Nation) was important to do because UMM Agriculture and Husbandry Faculty (FPP) wants to ensure and improve the quality of education, in order to assure the work world about the quality of labor candidates due of the curriculum based on KKNI which has the purpose to give the qualification towards individual according to their learning accomplishment. By this KKNI-based curriculum, the graduate students of local state and private universities will be equal with the graduates from universities abroad, considering that KKNI has been approved internationally. Thus, the accreditation criteria for university and study program will also be based on KKNI.    


The evaluation of curriculum will be executed gradually in faculty and study program level. The evaluation and preparation will involve all units such as similar study program, associated expert group, profession organization, government, and alumni’s employers.


After graduated, the alumni will not only get diploma and transcript during college period, but they also obtain Certificate Diploma Companion which consists of the note on all ability and achievement of the FPP graduate.
