UMM Students Help Overcome the PMK Outbreak in Malang Regency

Thursday, August 04, 2022 01:40 WIB   Fakultas Pertanian-Peternakan

Dok Humas UMM

University of Muhammadiyah Malang (UMM) students participated in the treatment of Mouth and Nail Diseases (PMK) in Malang Regency. A total of 32 student volunteers were deployed to Ngantang and Kasembon.

The head of the PMK UMM Task Force, Lili Zalizar, said that East Java was the main target for handling PMK. This happens because East Java has the highest cattle population in Indonesia, especially in the Malang Regency area.

Together with the Department of Animal Husbandry and Animal Health, Malang Regency, these student volunteers participated in the second dose of PMK vaccination. This activity will start on Wednesday (3/8/2022) for the next two weeks.

“Cow breeders in Malang Regency are spread over several areas such as Pujon, Ngantang, and Kasembon. The products that are usually produced are dairy milk and beef. The high number of cattle breeders makes the economic impact of PMK even more pronounced," said Lili.

Lili said that thanks to restrictions on livestock transportation and the first vaccination that was carried out, the spread of FMD in livestock was quite reduced. However, to increase the immune system of livestock against FMD disease, the second stage of vaccination is needed.

“The 32 student volunteers that we send are from the Animal Husbandry Study Program. They are tasked with assisting the vaccination process as well as data recapitulation to the national database. The vaccine will be injected into about 100 to 300 cows per day. We hope that in addition to protecting livestock from the FMD virus, the administration of this second vaccine will also reduce the mortality rate of livestock due to FMD," he added.

Meanwhile, Deputy Chancellor III of UMM Nur Subeki said that the PMK virus is very disturbing among farmers. The presence of these students as PMK volunteers made him proud of his concern for helping the wider community. It can also help students to strengthen the non-technical abilities that have been built.

“I hope the students who are deployed will be the driving force to deal with the PMK disease outbreak in Malang. In addition, I also hope that what we are doing has a positive impact on reducing the spread of FMD in livestock,” he said.



