Malang Koi Show, National Koi Contest Developed by UMM

Friday, August 26, 2022 22:18 WIB   Fakultas Pertanian-Peternakan
















Dok Aquaculture UMM

Koi ornamental fish have an attraction for many people across ages. A series of koi fish competitions often appear, which are followed by participants from various regions. One of the contests that should not be missed is the Malang Koi Show 2022 by the University of Muhammadiyah Malang (UMM). This national event will be held on August 26-28.

Malang Koi Show provides a series of prestigious trophies up for grabs. Starting from exclusive trophies such as ministerial trophies, director general trophies, and regent trophies to rector trophies. Moreover, there is a tempting main prize, namely a motorbike and millions of rupiah in cash.

Interestingly, the Malang Koi Show was also an agenda for the launching of the Center of Excellence (CoE) Koi Expertise School from the UMM Aquaculture Study Program. This program complements dozens of CoEs that have been established in various departments at the White Campus, such as CoE for poultry, shrimp, and digital communications.

"We believe this is the only Professional Class CoE in Indonesia that focuses on Koi Fish and is organized by a university," said one of the committee members, Riza Rahman Hakim, S.Pi., M.Sc.

The CoE Koi Skills School has three main programs. Some in-classes bring in experts from the industry to provide more understanding for students. There are also internships (internships in the industrial world at DUDi Koi) and koi business practices for students.

"If we look at this ornamental koi fish, it is indeed a fish commodity that has a high selling value. So it's not surprising, many people are looking for and breeding it, "explained

Furthermore, Riza said that the image of the winner of the contest is usually from Blitar Raya, Tulungagung, and Kediri. However, he is sure that there will be Koi fish from other regions who can compete and surprise.

He considered that such contests could increase the selling value of koi fish. Especially if the scope is already national and is followed by thousands. Even by educating related on how to care for and breed koi fish. Events like this can also be a forum for gathering sellers, hobbyists, and koi farms throughout Indonesia.

This Koi Show will compete for five prestigious trophies. Namely the Coordinating Minister for Human Development and Culture, the Director General of Aquaculture KKP RI, the Regent of Malang, the Chancellor of UMM, and the Chancellor of the Indonesian Gospel Institute. (*/wil)





