The Exciting Opening of the Introduction to New Student Studies (PESMABA) Faculty of Agriculture and Animal Science 2023/2024

Tuesday, September 12, 2023 07:53 WIB   Fakultas Pertanian-Peternakan


MALANG —The lively opening event for the 2023/2024 Introduction to New Student Studies (PESMABA) Faculty of Agriculture-Animal Science was held on Tuesday, September 12 2023. The Introduction to New Student Studies (PESMABA) activity is an activity to introduce the university environment, faculties, departments, and academic matters, lecturer and others. This Pesmaba activity is mandatory for all new students in all faculties of the University of Muhammadiyah Malang, including new students at the Faculty of Agriculture and Animal Science (FPP).

The opening of the Introduction to New Student Studies (PESMABA) of the Faculty of Agriculture-Animal Science 2023/2024 class of 2023 was held with great fanfare and crowds, attended by around 420 FPP New Students from all departments with the theme "Indonesia's Growing Resilient Food Security". The opening ceremony for the 2023/2024 Introduction to New Student Studies (PESMABA) at the Faculty of Agriculture and Animal Science began with an opening ceremony which took place in the UMM Equipment Hall. The ceremony was led directly by the Dean Dr. Ir. Aris Winaya, M.M., M.Si. IPU. ASEAN Eng and also attended by all levels of the Dean, Head of Study Programs and Secretary of the Study Program of the Faculty of Agriculture-Animal Science, University of Muhammadiyah Malang. The opening ceremony ended with presenting new student representatives from each study program with their respective characteristics as a symbol of having joined the big family of the Faculty of Agriculture and Animal Science.

After the opening ceremony, the event continued with the presentation of opening material regarding the departments at the Faculty of Agriculture-Animal Husbandry which consists of six study programs i.e Food Technology, Animal Husbandry, Forestry, Fisheries, Agribusiness and Agrotechnology. In this introduction, all the lecturers who teach courses in each department so that it is hoped that the relationship between new students and lecturers will get to know each other. Mr. Dean Dr. Ir. Aris Winaya, M.M., M.Si. IPU. ASEAN Eng would like to welcome and join the family of the Faculty of Agriculture and Animal Science and also say that the Faculty of Agriculture and Animal Science has a very strategic role in creating competitive businesses in the fields of agriculture, animal Science, fisheries and forestry, such as genetic technology, biotechnology, food processing technology, and competitive marketing technology.
