Two teams of Student Creativity Program from Agriculture-Animal Science Faculty (FPP) passed PIMNAS 2020

Friday, November 20, 2020 11:40 WIB   Fakultas Pertanian-Peternakan

One of the FPP PKM Teams passed PIMNAS accompanied by the FPP Dean (white shirt) and the Head of the Student and Alumni Administration Bureau (far right)

     The participants announcement of pekan ilmiah mahasiswa nasional (PIMNAS) 2020, like National Student Scientific Event, was released by the Directorate General of Belmawa, Ministry of Education and Culture. Based on Number 2414 / J3 // 2020 concerning determination of  PIMNAS participants 2020, 8 teams from UMM  that passed PIMNAS, 2 of them came from FPP. According to Ir. Henik Sukorini, MP.PhD as third vice Dean for student affairs, the two FPP teams who passed PIMNAS carried the PKMPE (Student Creativity Program Research-based). 

     The first team from Aquaculture department was led by Wanda Rahmania, accompanied by lecturer Dr. Hany Handajani, SPi.Msi. The PKM title that was carried in the first team was the Effectiveness of Giving Cepoka Eggplant Leaf Extract (Solanum torvum) on the Feminization of Betok Fish (Anabas testudineus). Meanwhile, the second team from Agrotechnology department was led by Qudrat Aini and Dr.Ir. Wahono, MT as the supervisor. The PKM title of the second team is about the Effect of Automatic Hydroponic Planting Media Nutrition and Moisture Regulations on the Growth and Production of Melon Plants (Cucumis melo L). 

     Preparations for PIMNAS have done, from internal teams, faculties and universities. According to Wanda Rahmania representing the two FPP Teams, the preparations for PIMNAS that have been carried out include preparing the power point material to be presented, a strong mentality and mastery of research material. Meanwhile, the support from the faculty was to provide dispensation not to attend lectures when we are preparing for the PIMNAS presentation training. Moreover UMM provided internal reviewers, a team design posters for facilities and infrastructure such as rooms and laptops for pre-PIMNAS presentations. 

     Support from supervisors is also important, while still encouraging and providing suggestions for narrative reviews, posters, and final reports. "The passing of these 2 PKM FPP teams should be grateful, although it is also a tough task", said Hany. "So, we will prepare the FPP team as best as possible in order to achieve maximum results at the 33rd PIMNAS," said Wahono. (RAN / hum)
