2nd Icon Beat Conference - Bioenergy and Biodiversity for a Sustainable Environment, a concern in the future

Monday, August 02, 2021 14:59 WIB   Fakultas Pertanian-Peternakan

Presentation of Assoc.Prof. Juris Burlakovs from Estonia which was broadcast on the Youtube channel "Pertanian Peternakan UMM"

     At the second International Conference on Bioenergy and Environmentally Sustainable Agriculture Technology (Icon Beat) on Wednesday (28/7), around 200 participants from various domestic and foreign institutions participated. 2nd Icon Beat organized by the Faculty of Agriculture and Animal Science, University of Muhammadiyah Malang (UMM), presented 6 competent speakers, 3 of whom came from Indonesia such as Dr. Dadan Kusdiana, Prof. Didiek Hadjar and Henik Sukorini, Ph.D. While the other 3 presenters are Prof. Hiroyuki Sakakibara (Japan), Assoc. Prof. Juris Burlakovs (Estonia) and Assoc. Prof Zane Vincevica Gaile (Latvia).

     The six speakers at this conference raised topics that caught the attention of the participants. Dr. Dadan Kusdiana who is the Director of Renewable Energy and Energy Conservation opened the material stating the importance of the role of bioenergy to support energy transformation. This is reinforced by Prof. Didiek Hadjar Goenadi as a researcher from the Indonesia Research Institute of Biotechnology and Bioindustry who encourages people to really importance for us to think further about land sustainability and soil organic carbon stock maintenance. "Destroying peatlands leads to global environmental imbalance," said Assoc. Prof. Zane Vincevica Gaile (Department of Environment Science, University of Latvia, Latvia) in her presentation of the material. In addition, Assoc. Prof. Juris Burlakovs (Department of Water Management, Estonian University of Life Science, Estonia) also added that boosting resource efficiency and recycling is to reduce the consumption of primary raw materials for environmental sustainability.

     A well-maintained environment will certainly have an impact on the quality of living organisms including plants. According to Prof. Hiroyuki Sakakibara (Department of Biochemistry and Applied Science, University of Miyazaki, Japan) nutritious soil will support plants to biosynthesis of bioactive compounds, one of which is flavonoids that can protect plants from damage caused by UV exposure. So the farmers are able to produce any crop production with good quality. “Agriculture is one of the sectors that provides the largest contribution to GDP (Gross Domestic Product). Therefore, it is challenging for us to develop land sustainability by not creating environmental damages to maintain soil fertility,” said Henik Sukorini, Ph.D (Department of Agrotechnology, Faculty of Agriculture and Animal Science, UMM) as the last speaker. (RAN/hum)
