Agung Irawan Animal Husbandry Department Achieve International Achievement through Jenesys 2.0 Program

Monday, February 10, 2014 10:37 WIB   Fakultas Pertanian-Peternakan

Agung Irawan one of the student Animal Husbandry Department who got change to visit Japan through Jenesys 2.0

                Again, Faculty of Agriculture and Animal Husbandry UMM created the achievement in international level. This time Agung Irawan the student of Animal Husbandry Department who got chance to visit Japan through Jenesys 2.0 (Japan-East Asia Network of Exchange for Students and Youth). This program that was followed by 96 students from around Indonesia will be run in 2 weeks (23/02-04/03). 


According to Agung, selection process to be accepted in that program consists of two steps those are administration selection and direct interview via telephone. He said more than 2000 registrant who followed this selection program. “In first step the committee selected 150 the candidate best participants from all registrant, then in interview step the committee set 96 elected participants,” said that eighth semester student.



Furthermore, the student who ever hold the predicate third winner achiever student UMM level explained, Jenesys program purposed to strengthen the basic of diplomatic relation between Japan and each Asian countries and Oceania. This program fully financed by Japan government, and conducted by Japan International Cooperation Center (JICE) and Japan ambassador in Indonesia and The Community University of Islam Negri Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta (PPIM UIN Jakarta) as selection team. 



While in Japan, the participant will participate some activity there are visit to some Japan companies to know exactly about cutting edge with high technology that to be developed and to know more closely about “made in Japan”, visit to some province in Japan to improve the understanding about cultural power, attraction, and local value in Japan, and visit historical architecture, religious building, and world heritages in Japan. “This program is also purposed as the process of internationalization some areas in Japan by emphasizing youth as human resource,” he added. 

