Early in 2021, Faculty of Agriculture - Animal Science Has Held 1st Period of Judicium

Tuesday, March 02, 2021 15:40 WIB   Fakultas Pertanian-Peternakan

The three best graduates took a photo together with dean and vide dean of Agriculture-Animal Science Faculty

     Early in 2021, the Faculty of Agriculture - Animal Science, University of Muhammadiyah Malang (UMM) has held its first period of judicium. This activity was carried out by online live teleconference via the Zoom application and broadcast on the Youtube channel of the Faculty of Agriculture - Animal Science, UMM. Meanwhile, the three best graduates were present offline in the FPP multimedia room by applying health protocols along with the Dean of Agriculture - Animal Science Faculty, Dr., Ir. David Hermawan, M.P., IPM, accompanied by the Deputy Dean I, II, and III, Head of Study Programs and Secretary of the six departments at Agriculture - Animal Science Faculty.


         At the graduation ceremony, the Dean of FPP gave an opening statement. "Today, apart from the news of your graduation's happiness, we are also happy with the achievement of UMM as the First Rank of the World's Best Islamic University according to UniRank," said David. "The achievement cannot be separated from the hard work of FPP lecturers who contributed 60% of their work," he added. Meanwhile, the Deputy Dean for Student and Alumni Affairs FPP, Dr. Ir. Aris Winaya, MM., M.Si read the Dean's Decree No E.6.i / 203.a / FPP-UMM / I / 2021 regarding FPP graduates in the 1st Period of 2021. Agrotechnology Study Program graduated 12 students, Agribusiness study program 12 students, 18 students of Food Technology study program, 22 students of Animal Science study program, 20 students of Forestry Study Program and 2 students of Aquaculture.

          The best FPP graduate in this period was Sahara Fristy Mirandani, from the Forestry study program with a GPA of 3.82 in the 3rd place. 3.96. While the second rank was obtained by Eka Jantan Suprayogi from the Animal Science study program with a GPA of 3.83 and the first place was occupied by Umrotus Shobichah from Forestry with a GPA of 3.96."The thing that impressed me the most was writing a practicum report by hand," joked Umrotus. "We are proud to be part of the Faculty of Agriculture-Agriculture," she said while holding back sobs. (RAN / hum)
