Two journals (Agriecobis and IJOTA) at Faculty of Agriculture-Animal Science have received SINTA accreditation

Wednesday, February 03, 2021 09:57 WIB   Fakultas Pertanian-Peternakan

Agriecobis and IJOTA are included in the UMM journals accredited by SINTA

     Two of the six journals in the Faculty of Animal Husbandry have received SINTA accreditation. The two journals were initiated in 2018. The journal that received the accreditation was the Journal of Agricultural Socioeconomics and Business (Agriecobis) from the Agribusiness department. While one of the from the Aquaculture department, namely the Indonesian Journal of Tropical Aquatic (IJOTA). The journal from Agribusiness received SINTA 4 accreditation, while the journal from Aquaculture received SINTA 5.

     The Agriecobis Journal led by Dr.Ir.Rahayu Relawati, MM covers the fields of Agribusiness, Social Agriculture, and Agricultural Economics. In addition, this journal also covers the results of counseling, rural development, rural sociology, marketing management, human resource management and entrepreneurship. Meanwhile, the IJOTA journal chaired by Dr. Hany Handajani, S.Pi., M.Si contains the results of aquaculture research (Fish Nutrition, Fish Health and Diseases, Water Quality, Fish Genetic Improvement and Breeding, Fishery Engineering and Biotechnology). Moreover, the Aquarium Science, Aquatic Ecology (Marine, Brackish, Freshwater), Conservation of Aquatic Resources and Coastal Management are also the scope of the IJOTA journal.

     According to Dr.Ir. Aris Winaya, MM.MSi, as the vice dean of academic affairs, the two journals have become pioneers for other journals. "We should be grateful that in this faculty there are already two accredited journals, hopefully the other four journals are also encouraged," he said. (RAN/hum)
