FAAS (Faculty of Agriculture and Animal Science) and Air Defense Artillery Education Center Collaborate to Support Independent Campus

Thursday, December 16, 2021 07:47 WIB   Fakultas Pertanian-Peternakan

FAAS visit to Arhanud

     After the implementation of state defense education in the Air Defense Artillery Education Center (called Arhanud in bahasa), Malang for 1 week for new FPP students, the Dean of FPP visited Arhanud on Friday (10/12). According to the Dean of FAAS, Dr. Ir. Aris Winaya, MM. MSi. IPU, this visit is a gathering place for the realization of FAAS's gratitude to Arhanud for excellent and good service during the implementation of state defense. This is proven by the satisfaction of student parents with this activity. In addition, about 600 new FAAS students, all of them are in good health, although at the beginning there were 2 students who had experienced illness due to the adaptation process.

     The cooperation between the two parties will be maintained, so that the annual state defense activities are expected to be carried out at Arhanud. In addition to the location of Arhanud which is close to UMM, the facilities in the form of facilities and infrastructure at Arhanud are also adequate. Not only being a place for state defense activities, FPP also hopes that there will be collaboration in terms of service. Brigadier General Elman Nahendra also welcomed this offer. According to him, it is something that should be guarded, because FPP has entrusted Arhanud as the location for defending the country.

     As a result of FAAS's visit to Arhanud, an idea was born to provide MBKM/Merdeka Belajar Kampus Merdeka (called Independent Campus Learning in Bahasa) activities in the form of state defense activities with a longer period of time . Although it is still in the form of discourse, both parties agreed that a state defense will be held at Arhanud for FAAS students for 6 months. This activity will later be converted into certain courses. "If this 6-month state defense activity is realized as MBKM, then it is necessary to make MBKM guidelines," said Aris. (RAN/hum)
