Faculty of Agriculture-Animal Science achieve the most “PKKM” grants at UMM

Monday, June 21, 2021 04:36 WIB   Fakultas Pertanian-Peternakan

     A proud achievement was made by University of Muhammadiyah Malang as top 10 campus (public or private) grantee of PKKM (Independent Campus Competition Program) funds. This PKKM grant was given to 4 study programs at UMM, 3 of which were study programs at the Faculty of Agriculture - Animal Science. The three study programs include Food Technology, Animal Science, and Aquaculture. With the acquisition of grants for these 3 study programs, this faculty will be the most PKKM-achieving faculties in Indonesia, if the faculties in other campus only consist of 1-2 study programs that receive this fund.

     The total PKKM grants received by this faculty amounted to 5.5 billion, with details of 2.3 billion for food technology, 2 billion for animal science and 1.2 billion for aquaculture. According to Dr.Ir. Aris Winaya, MM.MSi as the Vice Dean I of FPP for academics, the three study programs have pretty good connectivity with industry. "This capital will be able to support the curriculum of the study program, so in the future students can become cognizant of the industry," said Aris.

     The biggest challenge of this PKKM grant is to make clear target activities because it involves industry and the community. This program has eight main performance indicators including the work readiness of graduates, students and lecturers outside the campus, qualifications and application of lecturer research. In addition, there are related to partnerships, classroom learning, and international accreditation. "Hopefully with this PKKM grant, it can improve the competence of students and lecturers," said Sri Winarsih, Head of Food Technology Study Program. “This is a tough challenge because in a short time, we must be able to reach eight main performance indicators. But we must be optimistic,” added Ganjar Adhywirawan as Head of Aquaculture Study Program. (RAN/hum)
