FPP Conducts Dissemination of Superior Programs (related to CoE) to High Schools in Blitar, Situbondo, and Probolinggo

Wednesday, February 08, 2023 19:35 WIB   Fakultas Pertanian-Peternakan


MALANG — UMM's Faculty of Agriculture and Animal Science made visits to selected high schools in Blitar, Situbondo, and Probolinggo to socialize with the faculty's superior programs. On February 1, the high schools visited by the outreach team were SMA Muhammadiyah 1 Blitar, SMAN 2 Blitar, and SMAN 3 Blitar. Then, continuing on February 6 the outreach team visited SMAN 1 Situbondo, MAN 2 Situbondo, and SMA Muhammadiyah Panji Situbondo. Finally, on February 7, the outreach team visited SMAN 4 Probolinggo. The socialization team consisted of the FPP public relations team from the University of Muhammadiyah Malang. The existence of flagship program Center of Excellence or commonly abbreviated as CoE aims to support the Independent Learning Campus Merdeka (MBKM) program. It should be noted that all study programs in the UMM Faculty of Agriculture and Animal Science each have their own Center of Excellence (CoE) program. The existence of the CoE program in each study program has the aim that students and participants who take part in the CoE can experience work practices and internships in companies directly.

On the occasion of this outreach visit, FPP Public Relations introduced that currently six CoE classes are already running, namely the poultry professional class, the shrimp professional class, the cocoa professional class, the plant seed production industry professional class, the agro-complex product export professional class, and the professional class essential oils The professional classes formed by each study program in the UMM Faculty of Agriculture and Animal Science are directed to guide them to have a competitive advantage as additional capital to fight in the world of global competition which is increasingly developing here.

Pak Ramli Selaku Pemateri sedang Memaparkan Informasi Mengenai CoE FPP UMM (Dokpri)

"There are important components that we will later learn in this professional class for the plant seed production industry, there are research and development of plants, source seed production, seed production, processing and storage of seeds, and later will be taught to marketing," said Mr. Ramli as giver material

This socialization activity introduced the Center of Excellence (CoE) class at the UMM Faculty of Agriculture and Animal Science to the students in the targeted high schools. From the responses seen, the students looked very, very enthusiastic about the presentation of the CoE program at UMM FPP. They wanted to know more about the program because apart from being given a CoE scholarship, they could also study directly at an industrial partner's location for one semester.

The socialization given to these students was not only about the Center of Excellence (CoE). However, the socialization team also provided information about what academic facilities were in each study program at the UMM Faculty of Agriculture and Animal Science. Of course, the existing academic facilities in each of these study programs will greatly support the academic needs of students in their teaching and learning activities so that each study program will provide all the supporting facilities needed by its students.
