FPP Welcomes SMA 8 Muhammadiyah Ciputat with the theme "Goes To Campus"

Thursday, October 20, 2022 21:57 WIB   Fakultas Pertanian-Peternakan

The Faculty of Agriculture-Animal Science (FPP) of the University of Muhammadiyah Malang again received a visit from SMA 8 Muhammadiyah Ciputat on Wednesday 19 October 2022. This visit was part of the high school program concerned with the theme "Goes To Campus". The University of Muhammadiyah Malang, especially FPP, was chosen as the place to visit.
Around 150 high school students were welcomed directly by the Vice Dean III of FPP and the FPP public relations team to provide a briefing in the form of an introduction to FPP and the study programs in it to high school students. Next, they were directed to the location of the Edupark laboratory belonging to FPP to introduce the lab facilities owned by FPP so that students understand and know more about FPP UMM. Representatives of the UMM Edupark FPP Laboratory said that Edupark FPP was very representative as a place to introduce FPP directly without having to go around," said Fajrul, an Edupark representative. At the location, students are invited to go on a tour of the Cow and Goat cages laboratory, fisheries laboratory, and mushroom production laboratory. They briefly explained the facilities in each laboratory and the practical activities carried out for students.
Representatives from SMA 8 Muhammadiyah Malang Ciputat said that this visit was more to introduce students so that they can study at universities that have quality and complete facilities. In addition, it encourages students to gain knowledge about the University they are going to. They hope that many third-grade students can study at UMM, especially FPP next year. "We are waiting for a visit from FPP UMM to our school for us to meet with the parents so that they know more about FPP UMM," said the teacher representative.
At the end of the session, the group of teachers gave souvenirs to FPP representatives and the other hand FPP gave souvenirs to the school. Then ended with a photo session with all students.
. (*/ram)




