FPP UMM Conducted MoU with SMAN 2 Blitar

Wednesday, February 08, 2023 00:49 WIB   Fakultas Pertanian-Peternakan

Establishment of MoU by UMM Faculty of Agriculture and Animal Science and SMAN 2 Blitar (Dokpri)

BLITAR — UMM Faculty of Agriculture and Animal Science entered into a cooperation agreement with SMAN 2 Blitar. This collaboration was established on Wednesday (01/02) at SMAN 2 Blitar. The memorandum of understanding on this collaboration was signed by Dr. Ir. Aris Winaya, M.M., M.Sc., IPU. as the Dean of the Faculty of Agriculture and Animal Science of UMM and Mr. Murdiono, S.Pd., M.Pd. as Principal of SMAN 2 Blitar. In this activity, the UMM Faculty of Agriculture and Animal Science socialization team was also present.

The aim is to establish cooperation in the field of education, following the duties, functions, and authorities of each of the two parties that are establishing the collaboration to improve their respective abilities. As for what was done by the UMM Faculty of Agriculture and Animal Science  during the establishment of this collaboration was assisting students from SMAN 2 Blitar to enter tertiary institutions, developing teaching materials and practicums, conducting student activities through Scientific Writing competitions (KTI), as well as collaborating in other fields based on the agreement of both parties.

Collaboration between the two agencies is certainly a good thing because one measure of the success of tertiary institutions can be seen from how much collaboration they have done. Cooperation can also be seen from a formal perspective, such as a memorandum of understanding a document, or other matters as a form of implementation. The collaboration carried out by the Faculty of Agriculture and Animal Science , University of Muhammadiyah Malang, is not only limited to the MoU but in the future, there will certainly be follow-ups in the form of concrete activities that support this collaboration.

The collaboration is certainly expected to produce new developments following the expectations of the two parties. Of course, this MoU has a good purpose which is expected to make developments in each agency.
