Hold Oral Defense with External Examiner, FPP is Ready to Become a Reputable ASEAN Faculty

Wednesday, November 11, 2020 19:46 WIB   Fakultas Pertanian-Peternakan

The bachelor oral defense present a virtual external exaimner, Nor Akma Ismail, MSc from University Malaysia Trengganu 

     FPP for the first time held oral defensefor undergraduate students by including an external examiner as one of the examiners. This was done as a breakthrough in order to realize the mission as a faculty with ASEAN reputation in 2030. This activity was also UMM's work program for the internationalization of study programs, institutions, and study centers.

     This oral defense was held on Thursday, October 22, 2020 in the FPP multimedia room. Nor Akma Ismail, MSc from University of Malaysia Trengganu, Malaysia became an external examiner for a student from the Food Technology deaprtmentnamed Rizki Khoirun Nisa, with Prof. Dr.Ir Noor Harini, MS as first supervisor and Rista Anggriani, STP.MP.MSc as second supervisors. In addition, Dr.Ir.Damat, MP as an internal examiner lecturer also attended. The title of the thesis is "STUDY OF CARRAGEENAN EXTRACTION FROM SEAWEED (Eucheuma cottonii) WITH COCONUT WATER FROM TWO VARIETIES AND EXTRACTION TEMPERATURE AND THE APPLICATION ON CHICKEN MEATBALLS".

     The exam activity this time lasted 1.5 hours, starting with the presentation of the research results for 20 minutes, then continued with the submission of comments from each examiner for 1 hour, and finally the announcement of the results. Positive comments were also delivered by Nor Akma. "I really appreciate this research. Moreover it can be a novelty in extracting carrageenan using natural solvent from coconut water, ”said Nor Akma. Meanwhile, according to Rizki, this exam is something that is not forgotten, although it is not strange to speak English because she has internship in Thailand. "The trial exam has made me nervous, moreover I have to be examinated by external examiner. It feels like you can't sleep all night", she joked. (RAN / hum)
