In collaboration with Sunny Side Farm, Forestry Students from FAAS, start the Internship program to Japan

Saturday, May 21, 2022 21:11 WIB   Fakultas Pertanian-Peternakan

Nadira Alya Natyas, one of the participants of the Internship program to Sunny Side Farm, Japan

Faculty of Agriculture and Animal Science (FAAS), University of Muhammadiyah Malang (UMM) in collaboration with Sunny Side Farm company agreed to hold an Internship program. The purpose of this Internship program is to learn the close relationship between specialized knowledge and practical skills by undergoing practical training during the program period, to develop working participants with practical abilities after returning to Indonesia. This program will be implemented for 1 year starting on September 1, 2022 – until August 31, 2023. So, this activity will be converted into the equivalent of 48 credits.

Participants in this program come from 10 students from the FAAS from 6 study programs. Participants who pass are required to write an interesting essay about the reasons for joining this program, have an English Proficiency score and a GPA that meets the requirements. Of the 10 participants, a student from the Forestry study program, Nadira Alya Natyas, will first be dispatched to the parent company Sunny Side Farm, located in Nishinuma, Moka City, Tochigi Prefecture, Japan. According to Nadira, this Internship program will provide knowledge and skills about tomato hydroponics. "While waiting for the departure schedule, apart from preparing the required documents, for the next 2 months I will take a Japanese language course," said Nadira.

Nadira expressed her gratitude for successfully passing the selection, because the registration process and preparation for selection were very short. "But everything must be based on belief because we have become what we think about", she said. He hopes that after participating in this program, she can distribute the knowledge he has learned on campus. This 4th semester student also wants to be able to learn more knowledge from Japanese agriculture so that this knowledge can be implemented in her own country. (RAN/hum)
