Guest Lecture- Prospects of the Herbal Medicine Industry in the Industrial Era 4.0

Friday, December 10, 2021 21:53 WIB   Fakultas Pertanian-Peternakan

Online Guest Lecture-Prospects of the Herbal Medicine Industry in the Industrial Era 4.0

     Indonesia has around 30,000 types of herbal plants, 350 species of which have been used by industry. This herbal plant commodity has great potential to be used as a business opportunity. Especially in the era of a pandemic, industries related to people's health and lifestyle have great opportunities. For this reason, the Faculty of Agriculture and Animal Science held an online guest lecture by taking the topic of Prospects of the Herbal Medicine Industry in the Industrial Era 4.0. The guest lecture, which was held at the end of November, invited Dwi Ranny Pertiwi Zarman, SE.MH, General Chair of the Indonesian Herbal Medicine Association.

     In the guest lecture moderated by Prof. Dr.Ir. Sujono, M.Kes discussed that the herbal medicine business has good prospects and is very attractive. This is because the herbal medicine business is a business based on local raw materials whose availability is abundant in the country. According to Dwi Ranny, herbal medicine plays an important role during the Covid-19 pandemic to keep people fresh and fit. "The development of the herbal medicine industry does not rule out the possibility that it can become a major sector," said the General Chair of the Indonesian Herbal Medicine Association.

     This guest lecture was enthusiastically welcomed by the Dean of the Faculty of Agriculture and Animal Science, Dr. Ir. Aris Winaya, MM. MSi. IPU. According to Aris, the development of the herbal medicine business could be an interesting point, considering the study programs at our faculty are very supportive. "The herbal medicine industry can become a national economic strength, by raising the local wisdom of the nation," said Aris. (RAN/hum)
