UMM FPP Students Win the "Best Performance" Award in the Djarum Plus Activity

Friday, March 17, 2023 22:07 WIB   Fakultas Pertanian-Peternakan

UMM FPP Students and the Team Successfully Won the "Best Performance" Award in Leadership Development Training Activities (Dokpri)

YOGYAKARTA — Student of the Faculty of Agriculture, Animal Science, University of Muhammadiyah Malang, Hanifah Khoirunnisa and team, won the "Best Performance" award in a leadership development training activity held by Djarum Scholarship Plus at Eastparc Hotel Yogyakarta. This leadership development activity is divided based on predetermined batches. In batch 6 this training was conducted from 1 - 4 March. This leadership development is one of the three mandatory trainings organized by Djarum Scholarship Plus for its students.

“The Djarum scholarship recipients are required to attend three trainings that have been provided by Djarum. The first is character building, the focus here is on character training and character building. This character-building activity was held yesterday in Bandung. Then the second one is leadership development, there are eight batches, which I happened to get in batch 6. Lastly, there is nation-building which is planned to be held in Semarang.” explained Hanifah.

This leadership development training activity was held for four days starting from March 1 - 4 in Yogyakarta. Every training they take has a different purpose. "Leadership development here focuses more on leadership, and how can we become good leaders. On the first day itself, we discussed gritty leadership, so we were trained on how to be leaders who never give up, have a high fighting spirit, have commitment, and things related to fighting power. We also continue to discuss core values and purpose. So, in this activity, we are given a project to create visionary goals such as the vision we want to achieve in the next 10 or 15 years. Apart from that, we also discussed the growth mindset to become a good leader.” Hanifah added.

On the second day, the Djarum students who attended the leadership development training discussed argumentative writing and speak to convince. In this activity, the Djarum students discussed and were taught how to give arguments that could convince people.

"At the end, we were given a project that had to be presented on the third day. The project is that we become the mayor of Yogyakarta, then we are given a problem, namely the idea of the DPRD. The idea is that DPRD considers a slum city. Then, several objects are given as examples that cause the city to become slums so that the DPRD asks for objects which it considers to make the city slums be abolished. In this project, we, who act as mayors, must break the idea of the DPRD and maintain the object that must be abolished." Hanifah explained

The project that was given by Djarum to the Djarum scholarship team is what they have to present the next day. There are 10 groups or teams that must present the results of discussing their thoughts regarding solving the problem of a given project.
