After Study Introduction and National Defense Education and Training, FPP Agriculture and Animal Science New Student are formed to become "Student Today, Leader Tomorrow"

Friday, November 26, 2021 23:47 WIB   Fakultas Pertanian-Peternakan

New students take off their name tags as a symbol of the end of PESMABA and National Defense Training and Education activities

     Introduction of New Student Studies (known as PESMABA) and National Defense Training organized by the Faculty of Agriculture and Animal Science have ended. For 6 days, located at the Air Defense Artillery Education Center, new students of Faculty of Agriculture and Animal Science have been given many useful activities.

     PESMABA and National Defense Training and Education activities ended with a closing ceremony which was inspected by the Vice Rector III of the University of Muhammadiyah Malang, Dr.Nur Subeki, ST.MT. At the closing ceremony, the ceremonial inspector gave a mandate that Pesmaba and National Defense Education and Training had a meaning,such as to understand and raise awareness about diversity. In addition, students are to recognize the values ​​of the four pillars: Pancasila, the 1945’s Constitution, the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia, and Bhineka Tunggal Ika. Moreover, the insight of the archipelago and the youth to face the challenges of the times, namely the existence of asymmetric wars in the form of proxy wars.

     Nur Subeki also said that Covid-19 had changed the pattern of life and accelerated the implementation of Industrial Revolution 4.0 is a digital model. Some digital patterns in the field of life include the internet of things, remote controlling technology, digital farming, and artificial intelligence. In addition to understanding digital patterns, to be a leader you also need 5Cs, such as communication, critical thinking, creative n innovative, collaboration, and confidence. "So, hang your ideals as high as the sky. Remember, Student Today, Leader Tomorrow," concluded Nur Subeki. (RAN/hum)
