Community Service by Students - Introducing Natural Colour and Flavours to The Home Industry of Arum Manis in Kesambi Village, Lamongan Regency, East Java

Thursday, July 08, 2021 06:12 WIB   Fakultas Pertanian-Peternakan

The PMM 45 team and one of the home industy owners show Arum Manis with Natural Green Color

     Five students from the Faculty of Agriculture-Animal Science who are members of the Student Service for the Community (called PMM in Bahasa) - UMM 45 group carried out training activities for making Arum Manis using natural pigment and flavour. This training aims to educate the people of Kesambi Village, Pucuk District, Lamongan Regency to increase public awareness of the importance of using natural food additives that are safe for consumption. This is an effort to put knowledge into practice to the community directly from the five FPP students who are students of the Food Technology Study Program.

     The use of natural food additives used in this training is in the form of color from green pandan leaf extract and flavour from ginger. "Making natural food additives is very easy, only by using pandan leaf juice and ginger juice which will later be applied in Arum Manis," said Ardena Khoirun Nisa' as the leader of the PMM Team. According to Kholiq, the owner of Arum Manis home industry, the synthetic food colour that is often used is obtained from the red, green, and blue markets, which are used without controlled doses.

 Production of Arum Manis with Natural Green Color

     This training was enthusiastically welcomed by the home industry. “The aroma of pandan leaf extract can still be smelled, as well as the ginger taste. It produce a fresh aroma and taste when we eat it,” said Kholiq. The next step after this training, the PMM 45 Team will carry out control by maintaining communication with the home industry, hope in the future Kesambi Village becomes the center of Arum Manis home industries which has the characteristic pandan color and natural ginger taste. (RAN/hum)
