Improving Poultry Professional Class Curriculum, Animal Science Department Holds Discussion with Business and Industrial Partners

Saturday, December 25, 2021 18:38 WIB   Fakultas Pertanian-Peternakan

The meeting of business and industrial partners and the Department of Animal Science evaluates the Poultry Professional Class curriculum

Poultry Professional Class which is currently running in the Animal Science department, requires improvement of its learning curriculum. For this reason, Animal Science Study Program, Faculty of Agriculture and Animal Science (FAAS) held a workshop which was held on Wednesday (22/12) at Amarta Hills Hotel & Resort, Batu. At the workshop, the Founding and Fostering Team for the Professional Class of Poultry was presented, one of which was from the Business and Industrial partner included representatives of PT. Jatinom Indah Farm (JIF), PT Charoen Phokpand (CP), PT Sanbe, PT Mensana, and PT Sapta Karya Megah (SKM). UMM Rector, 1st Vice Rector, Dean of FAAS, and Lecturers of the Team of Poultry Professional Class (PPC) also attended the event. "This PPC should be used as a role model for triggers for other Study Programs to establish a similar class," said the rector, Dr. Fauzan, MPd. Meanwhile, according to Prof. Dr. Syamsul Arifin, M.Si as 1st Vice Rector, this activities should be appreciated because they are able to gather the Business and Industrial partner in one room together.

The PPC evaluation begins with the submission of the performance of batches 1 and 2 that have been and are currently running. Hidayaturrahman, SE, MM. as CEO of PT JIF conveyed the shortcomings of batch 1 which had been perfected in batch 2. The CEO of PT JIF also said that in batch 2, PPC students were given the opportunity to directly hold one cage as if they were supervisors with the assistance of experts from the industry. In this PPC, participants who are 6th semester students will study directly in the industry for 6 months. So that those who act as teachers are practitioners from each industrial partner. This class was formed in order to create professional staff in the poultry sector who are ready to work, thereby shortening the waiting period to work and get a sufficient salary.

This event also discussed about independent study independent campus, called Merdeka Belajar Kampus Merdeka (MBKM) in bahasa. According to the PPC Coordinator, Dr. Ir. Abdul Malik,MP according to PermenDikBud No. 3 of 2020: article 18 (1,2,3) Animal Science Study Program will be equivalent to an internship for 1 semester with 20 credits, so PPC students can graduate quickly in 3.5 to 4 years. "With this equivalence, PPC students don't have to worry about graduating late," said the Head of Animal Science Study Program, Bayu Etti Tri Adiyastiti, SPt.MSc. (RAN/hum)
