FPP Holds A Meeting With The Parents of New Students 2020 To Strengthen The Hospitality

Tuesday, October 27, 2020 22:12 WIB   Fakultas Pertanian-Peternakan

FPP Multimedia Room, the venue for parents meeting

     The new normal transition period has not caused the extinguishment of the spirit of the Faculty of Agriculture-Animal Husbandry, University of Muhammadiyah Malang to carry out the activities of the 2020 new student parent meeting. This meeting activities have been held online through the Zoom platform. Meanwhile, the FPP dean leaders consisting of the Dean, Vice Dean I, II, III were directly present in the FPP multimedia room, while the heads of study programs from 6 majors were present online. 

     The meeting activity which lasted for 1 hour was guided by Rista Anggriani, STP.MP.MSc as the moderator. A total of 732 FPP guardians were invited to take part in this activity. In this activity, Dr.Ir. David Hermawan, MP.IPM as Dean of FPP delivered information related to FPP such as vision, mission, academic activities, and student affairs. "The vision of our faculty in 2030 will be a reputable faculty in ASEAN," said David.

     In the dialogue session, many questions from the student parents were asked. Many asked questions regarding the scholarships. "There are many scholarship offers that are always shared with students", said Ir, Henik Sukorini, MP.PhD, as Deputy Dean III. Another question that was asked was related to lectures that were applied during this pandemic.  Lecturing activities are carried out online, while for practicum activities that must be carried out in direct practice, they will be carried out offline, while still adhering to health protocols," said Dr. Ir. Aris Winaya, MM.Msi, Deputy Dean I. No less important, the payment system was also questioned. "Insha'Alloh, everything can be communicated if there are financial constraints," concluded the Deputy Dean II, Dr.Ir.Warkoyo, MP.IPM. (RAN/hum)
