FPP’s Podcast- Sustainable Forest, Prosperous Society

Wednesday, December 23, 2020 14:19 WIB   Fakultas Pertanian-Peternakan

FPP’s Podcast- Sustainable Forest, Prosperous Society at Youtube 
channel "Fakultas Pertanian Peternakan"

     Last week's FPP podcast on the Youtube channel of the Faculty of Agriculture and Animal Husbandry of UMM had the theme "Sustainable Forests, Prosperous Communities". In accordance with the theme, the Podcast location this time is in the UMM Campus Forest, which covers an area of ​​about 1.5 ha. Moreover,the intervieweesfor this Podcast is the head of the Forestry Study Program, namely Dr. Ir. Joko Triwanto, MP.IPU moderated by Rista Anggriani, STP.MP.MSc.

     The reason of this theme is due to the concern about the increasingly worrisome condition of the forest land. This is also the reason why UMM established the Forestry Department, 21 years ago. As a department that is already “mature”, it is appropriate that this Forestry Study Programhas a strong vision and mission. "Forming a social and Islamic character to manage the forest wisely for the benefit of the society. That is our vision, ”said Joko.

     The function of forests is very important in human life. The existence of forests affects the quality of life not only locally where the forest is located but also affects global life. Specifically, agriculture and forestry are closely related and the form of the relationship is multi-dimensional. According to Joko, the Head of the Forestry Study Program, one of the benefits of forests isto provideoxygen and water. For this reason, the Forestry Study Program partners with Perhutani, rehabilitating forests and land in the watershed area (watershed area) in East Java, and the result is an increase of ​​cover in the area. According to his opinion, what is needed in rehabilitation activities is not only planting, but maintenanceorpreservation. "The definition of sustainable is the existence of the forest can be managed in a sustainable manner both economically and socially", he added.(RAN/hum)
