Agribusiness Study Program, FPP, Achieves Excellent Accreditation

Tuesday, October 19, 2021 19:58 WIB   Fakultas Pertanian-Peternakan

Bentuk persiapan yang telah dilakukan Prodi Agribisnis sehingga meraih Akreditasi Unggul

     The Agribusiness Study Program, Faculty of Agriculture and Animal Science, UMM managed to achieve Excellent Accreditation from BAN-PT. The study program, which previously had an A accreditation, has now changed to a excellent accreditation after the Agribusiness study program submitted a Study Program Conversion Supplement. This excellent Accreditation is an outsider's recognition of the quality of education and other supports in the Agribusiness Study Program.

     Through this achievement, the Agribusiness Study Program was able to show that the Tri Dharma Higher Education activities carried out had met 9 accreditation criteria. These criteria include 1) vision and mission, goals and strategies 2) governance, governance, and cooperation, 3) students, 4) human resources, 5) finance, facilities, and infrastructure, 6) education, 7) research, 8) community service, and 9) outcomes and achievements of the Higher Education Tri Dharma activities. "Based on Permendikbud Number 5 of 2020 and Regulation of BAN-PT Number 1 of 2020, there has been a change in ranking conversions from A, B, and C to Excellent, Very Good, and Good. For this reason, the Agribusiness Study Program must prepare a Conversion Supplement Instrument so the accreditation that was originally A becomes Excellent,” said Livia Windiana, SP. M.Agr as secretary of the Agribusiness Study Program. There are 4 elements of the Conversion Supplement Instrument criteria that have been prepared including elements of lecturers, curriculum, quality assurance, and graduate treasure.

     Excellent Accreditation for Agribusiness Study Program is interpreted not only as a certificate, but also as a reflection of the academic community in carrying out the daily activities of the Tri Dharma of Higher Education. "Hopefully, with this achievement, the quality and service as well as the capabilities of students and alumni can be relied on in the future to face the Industrial Revolution 4.0," said Dr.Ir.Istis Baroh, MP.,  Head of the Agribinis Study Program. Istis also believes that to maintain this excellent accreditation, the Agribusiness Study Program will continue to maintain the quality of the curriculum according to the latest educational needs by collaborating with stakeholders, so that the curriculum is not monotonous. In addition, upgrading the quality of human resources, improving the quality of services for students and alumni, the quality of facilities and infrastructure are also necessary. "Students are also actively involved in research and lecturer service," concluded Istis. (RAN/hum)
