The Program of “UMM Pasti”, Spirit in the Opening of Study Introduction for Agriculture and Animal Science New Student 2021

Monday, November 08, 2021 21:25 WIB   Fakultas Pertanian-Peternakan

Opening of PESMABA for students of the Faculty of Agriculture
and Animal Science at Pusdik Arhanud

     The study introduction of new students (in bahasa known as PESMABA), for students of the Faculty of Agriculture and Animal Science for the Academic Year 2021/2022 has begun on Monday, November 8, 2021. This time, PESMABA activities are carried out differently. Located at Air Defense Artillery Education Center (in Bahasa called Pusdik Arhanud), this activity is scheduled for 6 days by implementing health protocols. The number of new students who participated in PESMABA activities was 600 divided into 2 groups.

     At the opening of PESMABA, the spirit of "UMM Pasti" (Pasti means definitely) was inflamed by the Dean of Faculty of Agriculture and Animal Science, Dr.Ir. Aris Winaya, MM. MSi. IPU. The motto " UMM Pasti" means that you must graduate on time, must work, must be independent. According to Aris, 6 study programs at this faculty have good quality. Three study programs that are predicated as Superior are Agrotechnology, Agribusiness, and Animal Science. Meanwhile, two Study Programs were accredited A, namely Food Technology and Aquaculture, while Forestry Study Programs received the title Very Good. "The quality of all study programs at this faculty shows that we are committed to providing the best service for both academic and non-academic fields to support students graduating in exactly 4 years," said Aris.

     Vice Dean I for student affairs, Ir. Henik Sukorini, MP. Ph.D, explained that currently the curriculum of MBKM (Merdeka Belajar Kampus Merdeka), in English independent study independent campus, provides a great opportunity for students to be able to graduate on time. MBKM provides opportunities for students to take activities off campus, which can be taken starting in semester 6. The duration of MBKM activities is at least 1 semester, equivalent to 20 credits. Vice Dean II for finance, Dr.Ir. Mochammad Chanan, MP., said that the facilities at FPP really support student activities to encourage graduation on time. One of the facilities owned by FPP is Edupark which is an integrated laboratory for all Study Programs. Meanwhile, Dr. Hariyadi, SPi. MSi as the Vice Dean III for student affairs, encourages students to take extracurricular activities apart from activities in class. "The NACE (National Association of College and Employers) survey shows that success is not only shown by a high GPA, but also good communication and the ability to work together," closed Hariyadi. (RAN/hum)
