Wednesday, January 22, 2014 16:30 WIB   Fakultas Pertanian-Peternakan

Published in Malang Post on Wednesday, January 22nd 2014

MALANG – Who said that urban societies are unable to farm? With the knowledge, the less of farmland is no longer a constraint. As being worked by State Vocational High School 10 Malang called School Farm program.

By maximizing the dwindling land potential, the management of State Vocational High School 10 Malang is expected to fill out all empty land around the building with productive plants.  

“Currently, we are planting some plants such as broccolis, beans, and manias. The School Farm development is considered well for developing students’ entrepreneurial spirit”, said by PR Vice of State Vocational High School 10 Malang, Wahyu prasadjaS Pd, to the Malang Post.    

In order to maximize the school farm function, Wahyu commented, the school has done some important steps. One of them is cooperating with Agriculture and Husbandry Faculty of UMM that will give counseling and agriculture training periodically. Moreover, every student’s activity will be monitored and guided since planting media decision, organic fertilizer preparation, planting technique, plants treatment until the harvest time.

“We signed an MOU with the Agriculture and Husbandry Faculty of UMM who will guide the students in learning and developing organic farming in the urban,” Wahyu explained.

Wahyu continued, school farm program based on the school’s objective do not only hone the students’ ability according to their competencies only, but also be skilful in other areas such as farming.

Furthermore, nowadays school has learned the potential in the Kedung Kawang sub-district. From the result, it was known that there are many farming potentials can be developed in order to support food security program. For the example is Wonokoyo, there is famous agricultural production development with the organic farming village

“We had discussed with the developer of organic farming village in order to help us in realizing this School Farm together. After the discussion with the citizen, we seemed like to get such positive response”.

Meanwhile, in different occasion, Haryanto M Pd as the Headmaster of State Vocational High School 10 Malang explained that the planning in realizing agricultural entrepreneurship for the students has a purpose so that the school has plus value to stand amid the society in the future. (ily/nda/t_iqa)
