Young Generation Challenges and Their Role for Agricultural Development-FPP Agribusiness Seminar

Friday, January 29, 2021 12:00 WIB   Fakultas Pertanian-Peternakan

The young generation plays an important role in the development of agriculture in Indonesia

     The development of Indonesian agriculture is an important issue for the younger generation in Indonesia. As an agricultural country, it is appropriate for the younger generation to take a role. This reason became the reason for the discussion between the Agribusiness Department, FPP and Tsuji Kasunari, Associate Professor from Saga University, Japan. This activity was held online on Monday (25/1).

      Tsuji explained that the agricultural trend in Japan includes a reduction in production and economy. In addition, there is "aging" because only a small part of the young generation in Japan is engaged in the agricultural sector. That is why the trend of food consumption in Japan depends a lot on imports of agricultural products. Thus the challenge for the future is to encourage the younger generation to get into the agricultural sector. Activating farmer groups is also a challenge.

     During the discussion, several questions were asked by Agribusiness lecturers, including from Dr.Ir.Rahayu Relawati, MM. She asked about the strategies to encourage the younger generation to become farmers. "This phenomenon also occurs in Japan. For this reason, Japan increases income in the agricultural sector", said Tsuji. According to Tsuji, the most important factor that can improve agriculture in Japan is the activeness of the farmers. "The farmer groups are active in researching together with universities and the government to find solutions to problems in agriculture," he said. "The solutions were shared with other farmer groups," he added. The government must also support by stabilizing the price of agricultural products. (RAN.hum)
