FPP PKM Team Wins Awards at 35th PIMNAS

Monday, December 05, 2022 21:25 WIB   Fakultas Pertanian-Peternakan

UMM hosted PIMNAS 35 from November 30 to December 4. Certainly apart from being the host, UMM also sent a delegation that was a finalist at the 35th PIMNAS. One of the pimnas finalists was from the UMM Faculty of Agriculture-Animal Husbandry team. FPP sent 3 teams to become finalists in different types of PKM. These 3 teams consist of 2 teams from the Food Technology department and 1 team from the Fisheries department. All of these teams took part in the Exact Research PKM (PKM RE) and received awards at this PIMNAS. So that it becomes the pride of FPP residents.

The first team from the Fisheries department was chaired by Annisa Salsabila, with members Alif, Aufal, Shafira, and Imroatin. The types of PKM that were participated in were PKM Exact Research (PKM RE) with the title Freeze Drying Technology of Indiginous Bacteria in the intestines of Vannamei Shrimp to maintain Viability and preventive efforts to Outbreaks of Acute Hepatopacreonic necrosis disease. This team started working on PKM from June 6 to September 5 this year. They were inspired by the emergence of an outbreak of Acute Hepatopacreonic necrosis disease (AHPND) which caused up to 100% mortality in shrimp farming. So they provided a solution using bacteria isolated from the digestive tract of shrimp preserved by cold drying method. This topic brought Annisa's team to become the best presentation at this PIMNAS.


Apart from that, there was a team from the Food Technology department chaired by Delsi Anjarwati who also won the best presentation award at PKM RE as well. With the title The Effectiveness of Coconut Dregs Flour and Avocado Seeds in Lowering the Glycemic Index of Plain Bread as an Alternative Food for Diabetics. "We were inspired by the problem of diabetes mellitus which is the 2nd cause of death in the world, including Indonesia which is ranked 5th with 25.71 million sufferers out of a total of 200 million Indonesians," explained the team leader. This title brought Delsi and the team to win the award.

Another team from the Food Technology department won the silver medal in the poster category. The title presented by this first team chaired by Syntiya Inanda Khoidir is the Potential of Cybidium Golden Boy Orchid Flower Extract as an Antioxidant in the Production of Flower Leathe. Starting from the Syntiya family which likes to cultivate orchids and knows the content in orchids, which can act as antioxidants. So he brought this team to PIMNAS to introduce the contents of the Cybidium Golden Boy orchid which can be applied to food that is good for health, especially for women who are good food beauticians.

What is certain is that the three teams have gone through many extraordinary obstacles and challenges, so that they can achieve this award which of course makes the campus proud, especially their faculty. “Time management between research and lectures is a big challenge for us, especially when we are studying in class but we have to do research as well, so our energy is drained. But it paid off with the awards we won, that's what makes us happy, "explained Annisa. The extraordinary struggle of the three teams became a motivation for all students throughout Indonesia to take advantage of their youth not only by traveling or playing but by doing things that are useful for the future. Congratulations on continuing the struggle for the three teams.
