Triple Helix Collaboration: Faculty of Agriculture Animal Science, Batu City Government, and Korean Farmer

Friday, July 02, 2021 08:21 WIB   Fakultas Pertanian-Peternakan

The Triple Helix Collaboration meeting consisted of the Dean of FPP (far left), Mayor of Batu City (third from left), CEO of Little Farmer LLC (center), and Vice Rector III for student affairs (two from right)

     In order to realize the mission as a faculty of ASEAN reputation in 2030, the Faculty of Agriculture-Animal Science (called FPP in Bahasa) collaborates with the "Triple Helix" consisting of FPP, Batu City Government, and Little Farmer LLC, South Korea. This collaboration brings about a smart system in horticultural commodities. This collaboration was initiated by FPP by meeting the CEO of Little Farmer LLC, Choi Byeong Moon, with Dra. Dewanti Rumpoko, M.Si, mayor of Batu City.

     Through the FPP initiative, Little Farmer LLC wants to cooperate with the Batu government to develop a Green House Smart System in the form of a Donut Farm, with commodities of strawberry, pok choi, paprika. This system has been widely applied in South Korea, in contrast to Indonesia, which has not yet used this system. Located at the Batu Mayor's office, Choi explained the differences in the productivity of several cultivation systems. "There are 4 cultivation systems that are often used, such as outdoor, protected, hydroponic, and donut form," said Choi. “Of the four systems, donut farm provides the highest productivity. This system will be able to overcome the problem of Indonesia which has not been able to meet domestic needs, so that commodity prices become expensive,” added Choi.

     Choi's presentation was welcomed by the Mayor of Batu City, with the signing of the MoU (Master of Understanding). "Hopefully with this collaboration, Batu will be able to become the center of the Green House Smart System in Indonesia", Dewanti hopes. Meanwhile, the role of FPP in this collaboration is as an educational institution that will accept student exchange from abroad. Later the foreign students will be directed to do an internship at the Green House Smart System in Batu. "This student exchange activity will support the MBKM (Independent Campus Learning Program) in our Faculty," said the Dean of FPP, Dr.Ir.David Hermawan, MP.IPM. (RAN/hum)
